Minda Mujaddid

31 May, 2006

The Various Outlook Towards the Quran and Sunnah


Allah SWT, the Most Pure and the Most High, truly wants His servants to purify themselves with the truth contained in the Quran and the Sunnah (the way of the Prophet). Whoever is not serious in searching for this truth will certainly fail to obtain it as the truth is a secret hidden deep inside the treasury of Allah. Only His servants who truly love Him will get it and even then, only through serious and diligent effort.

At a glance, if one can fluently recite the Quran and Hadith, we tend to say, “Surely this man abides by the Quran and Sunnah. Surely he does not oppose whatever he recites.” But in our experience, we see too many who speak of the Quran and Sunnah, but do not act in accordance to them. They are like a doctor who forbids smoking but he himself smokes.

The truth is that even those who say they abide by and refer to the Quran and the Sunnah, which are supreme, do not fully live by the contents of the Quran and Sunnah. This means not all who have knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah have the attitude and conduct as laid out by the Quran and Sunnah.

In fact, what normally happens is too many of these people who have knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah deviate from the true path of this knowledge, which contain the rules of Allah. Why does this happen? It is none other than to make mankind realize that to be one who has “taqwa” (fear of Allah), which is the noblest status amongst mankind, is not easy. It does not suffice merely to enroll into a school of the Quran and Sunnah. Although by this way, one can become an expert on the Quran and Sunnah, it is not sufficient to make him one who has “taqwa”.

In order to achieve taqwa, the following must be done: -

1. We have to seek a teacher who practises the Quran and Sunnah. (In the time of the Prophet, he was the living Quran. In whatever he does daily, he abided and was guided by the Quran).

2. We have to seek a school that can educate us such that the more knowledge we get, the closer we are to Allah and the more we fear Him.

3. Learn from any teacher who appears to have put his life and death in the way of Allah in order to practise and uphold the Quran and the Sunnah in his daily life. Let it be known that whoever regards this matter as unimportant or trivial, these are the groups of people who will be placed into categories according to varying levels of attitudes towards the Quran and Sunnah.

It has been the phenomenon right up to now that various groups of people have various attitudes towards the Quran and Sunnah. From what I see, there are seven groups altogether. With the will of Allah, I will list out the groups for your guidance. Hopefully there is truth in it. The groups are as follows:

1. The group who learn and study the Quran and Sunnah so much so that they become experts in them. They believe in the Quran and Sunnah and they adopt them in their daily lives as a basis for their struggle and as reference in order to answer all questions. Their belief and character are in accordance to the Quran and Sunnah. If we ask them for proof from the Quran and Sunnah for whatever they do or practise, they are able to present such proof. In fact they can give Quranic proof for every question posed to them. But this group is scarce at this end of time. To find them is like looking for a white crow or red sulphur. There is none. They can be called “extra ordinary people.” They are the people of Allah or people who have taqwa (fear of Allah) and people who are faithful and pious. Those who love this group truly love them, and those who hate this group truly hate them. Many people hate this group especially theologians (ulamas) who are evil. They feel that these people challenge their status and position and indirectly too reveal their true colours and identity in that they (the ulamas) do not, and they really do not practise the way of life of the Quran and Sunnah.

2. Like the first group, the second group is serious in learning the Quran and Sunnah so much so that they become experts in them. They also believe in the Quran and Sunnah and they make them their references to answer all questions posed to them. They dare speak the truth although it hurts. They are similar to the first group except they do not have the strength to practise all the knowledge that they possess and believe. They fail to practise fully the Islamic shariah (rules of Allah) in their lives and in their struggle. Their characters too are not as beautiful and as perfect as the true character in Islam. All this is due to the fact that they do not have sufficiently strong faith to fight against their nafs and lust. They do not persevere and are not diligent enough in fighting against their evil desires (nafs) while such desire is the arch enemy of man. Allah Himself states this, which means, “Verily, desire and lust is always beckoning towards evil.” So, due to weak faith, this group always fail in the fight against their evil desires (nafs). They transgress the rules of Allah and at times they commit sins. But they realize and feel sad and they admit their weaknesses and sins. This group is numerous than the first. They involve themselves in propagating the Islamic teaching and knowledge to society. With this good deed, hopefully they are safe in the world and the Hereafter. For them Allah says, which means, “Allah forgives whomever He wants and punishes whomever He wants.”

3. The third group also talks of the Quran and Sunnah. In fact, they do learn the Islamic knowledge in general. They also believe in Islam as the truth and as a place of reference. But these people have personal interests. Islam is not the priority in their lives. They are not interested in the Islamic way of life. The Islamic knowledge for them is only for mental exercise and not more than that. Because to them, if Islam is practised, it will not bring success in the world and is not beneficial or profitable. In fact, to them, Islam, if practised, will bring them shame, will make them suffer from inferiority complex and will cause difficulty to them. But in areas and occasions where there is profit to be made or that can bring success without the element of shame and hardship, they will follow Islam. This group is made up of the people who use Islam for their worldly interests and purposes. They are not honest with the truth. They are not sincere with Allah SWT. This group is unbecoming (fasiq) and unjust (zalim) to themselves. In the Hereafter, they will be punished in hell, although not forever.At this end of time, there are many who belong to this group.

4. The fourth group is people who do not believe in Islam. But they are interested to learn the Islamic knowledge because they love the knowledge so that they can use it for mental exercise or for other purposes but not as a doctrine or reference to be used in their daily lives. They will use the knowledge only if it is profitable or if it gives them any benefit. Otherwise, to them, the Quran and Hadith do not mean a thing. The Islamic status of this group is in doubt. These are the hypocrites (munafik). In truth, they are the enemies of Islam.

5. Muslims who read the Quran and Hadith but do not understand them. They claim to practise the Quran and Sunnah but they do not learn or study them intensively. Their practice is merely taken from the books of ulamas of the various sects (mazhab) that they follow. They think good of the ulamas of the various sects. They are confident that the ulamas or the sects that they follow and that which they use as a guide uses the Quran and Hadith as its basis and as its terms of reference. They diligently practise the teachings of Islam that they learn from the various sects. If asked for proof that is used for their practice, they will quote the principles or views of the sects and the opinions of ulamas. They are not capable of bringing forth proof from the Quran or the Hadith. This group is known as the "Muqallidin" or people who follow (taqlid). In Islam, this group is allowed to follow (taqlid) only in matters of “fiqh” (the physical practice of Islam), for Islam views that it is not possible for everyone to fathom the knowledge of the Quran and Hadith to the level of “Mujtahid” (one who truly understands the Quran and is qualified to extract rules and laws from it), that is one who can stand on his own without depending on other people to understand the Quran and the Sunnah.

6. Muslims who hears of the Quran and Sunnah from afar, or who hears of the Quran and Hadith from public lectures (ceramah) or those who just follow the crowd. This group depend neither on ulamas nor on the Quran or Hadith. Nevertheless they still claim that the Islam they practise is taken from the Quran and the Hadith. Because they know that the source of Islamic teachings are from the Quran and Hadith; they feel sure that whatever is practised by the society must also be from the Quran and Hadith. This group is the majority and is the most numerous in this end of time. They are Muslims by descent who practise Islam based purely on the traditions of their race. Their Islamic knowledge is too meagre. Even their individual obligatory responsibilities (fardh ain) are not completely fulfilled. Their practices are only emulations and they do not know why and from where it comes. They are the ignorant. They do not know why they carry out the practice that they do. They are categorized as “unbecoming” (fasiq), or “traitorous” (a’si). Without them realizing it, they can die as traitors or betrayers for their offence of not wanting to learn, to study and to seek knowledge

7. Non-Muslims who love to study and learn the knowledge of the Quran and Hadith or the group known as the Western orientalists.
There are two possibilities why they like to do this: -

1. To make a comparison between Islam and other religions and ideologies.
2. To destroy the Islamic teachings. They will change or discard and add or distort the facts and its explanations. They hope to:
1. Confuse Muslims who are ignorant about Islam.
2. Put fear into non-Muslims so that they are afraid to adopt Islam as their religion.

This group consists partly of Christians, Jews and also some from amongst the freethinkers. They are the enemies of Islam. And the Quran itself mentions that: -

“And never ever will the Jews and Christians accept you until you adopt their religion.”

Up till today, their evil efforts have borne results. Most Islamic theologians, intellectuals, thinkers and academicians who study in the West are influenced by them, while most non-Muslims at the same time, look upon Islam with disgust and scorn. In our own country too, this phenomenon can be clearly seen. We often see how the intellectuals of Islam talk about Islam using the Western tongue; whereas some of them are people with power, having high positions in politics, economy, education, religion and so on.

These are the groups of people who have varying outlook towards the Quran and Hadith. Among the Muslim themselves, there are six groups. Only two of these groups are good in their practices. The rest, which are the majority, do not display the character of the Quran and in fact are traitorous towards Islam. They use Islam for their own purposes and pretend that they are good Muslims. Although they can fluently recite the Quran and the Hadith, they are actually “wolves in sheep’s’ clothing.” They deceive people by using Islam.

Their working papers are fantastic, complete with sound proofs and evidence based on the Quran and Sunnah. In addition, they can talk well making people believe they are practising theologians (ulamas who practice what they preach, ulama-ul-‘amilin), who practise Islam with their families, in their attitudes and behavior, in their social life, in their struggle as well as in their aspirations in life.

But when seen from a closer range, the reality of their lives are far from what they preach. They act differently from what they preach. They are double-faced. Countless people are deceived by them.

Verily, in my observations, through my travels around the world, especially to countries where Muslims are the majority, I noticed that a number of these people who are experts in the Quran and Hadith, do not have the intention to practise and to propagate it. They are more inclined to seek worldly gains, glamour and to use the knowledge merely for the purpose of mental exercise.

As a result, the people are enthralled by their knowledge but not to the extent of becoming their followers. They do not have the strength to lead people towards Allah and the Prophet. This is because they are merely people of knowledge who have no followers and who do not practise Islam. They are not leaders who can lead people to struggle and to uphold the Quran and Sunnah, the knowledge of which they possess.

I call upon all people not to be deceived and confused by anyone who talks about Islam but do not practise it. Know them at a closer range so that we are not enthralled for too long by them who do not do what they say. Learn Islam from teachers who practise it so that we too can practise and propagate it. Avoid learning Islam from those who are dishonest towards the truth of this religion of Allah.

May Allah always lead us towards the right path.



Perjuangan Islam atau perjuangan kebenaran itu sifatnya sama, dari dahulu hingga sekarang. Tempatnya berubah, orang atau bangsanya berubah, masa dan eranya juga berubah tetapi sifatnya tetap sama. Apa yang berlaku kepada pejuang-pejuang Islam atau pejuang-pejuang kebenaran pada setiap zaman juga sama. Ini kerana apa yang diperjuangkan ialah Tuhan yang sama, prinsip yang sama dan syariat yang sama.

Oleh yang demikian perjuangan Islam atau perjuangan kebenaran itu, kalau ianya benar-benar mengikut lunas-lunas dan landasan Islam yang sebenar dan dilaksanakan tepat mengikut cara yang Allah mahu, maka sifatnya pasti sama dengan perjuangan Islam di sepanjang zaman. Kalau ini tidak berlaku, maka sudah tentu ada yang tidak kena dengan perjuangan tersebut ataupun perjuangan tersebut tidak tepat dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh Allah Taala.

Di antara sifat-sifat perjuangan itu ialah:

• Sentiasa diuji
Ujiannya berat. Namun demikian, ia tidak menjejaskan perjuangan. Ia setakat menapis dan menyaring pejuang-pejuangnya untuk menambah kekuatan.

• Mendapat bantuan ghaib
Berlaku berbagai-bagai bantuan bagi mengatasi ujian-ujian tersebut seperti Firasat, Yakazah, Hatif dan sebagainya yang berbentuk Khawariqul `adah (perkara yang mencarik adat atau di luar logik). Bagi para rasul dinamakan mukijzat, bagi para wali dinamakan karamah dan bagi orang-orang soleh dinamakan maunah. Maunah selalunya disandarkan kepada karamah. Bantuan-bantuan inilah merupakan hiburan di dalam menempuh ujian yang menimpa.

• Berlaku tapisan dan saringan
Pada pertengahan jalan dalam perjuangan, akan terdapat ramai pengikut. Pengikut yang ramai ini akan tertapis dan tersaring hingga tinggal sedikit. Kemenangan akan berlaku selepas saringan ini. Perjuangan kebenaran tidak pernah menang ketika mereka ramai.

• Tuhanlah yang mengalahkan musuh
Yang mengalahkan musuh bukan para pejuang tetapi Tuhan sendiri. Tuhanlah yang mengalahkan musuh supaya rasa kehambaan tetap kekal di hati para pejuang, dan Allah itu nampak Hebat dan Penuh Berkuasa.

• Faktor kemenangan adalah iman dan taqwa
Dalam perjuangan Islam atau kebenaran ada usaha lahir dan ada usaha rohaniah. Usaha lahir ialah seperti menggunakan tenaga, mencari kekuatan kewangan dan aset. Ini dinamakan "quwwah". Tetapi ini hanyalah sepuluh peratus 10% dari usaha keseluruhan. Usaha rohaniah, iaitu mengusahakan iman dan taqwa adalah 90% dari usaha keseluruhan. Iman dan taqwa inilah faktor utama bagi kemenangan perjuangan kebenaran.

• Mempunyai kekuatan melebihi manusia biasa
Dalam perjuangan kebenaran ada nisbah kelebihan kekuatan 1:10. Di dalam Al-Quran ada disebut nisbah 1:20. Ini melibatkan tenaga manusia, masa, modal dan wang ringgit. Seorang pejuang kebenaran mampu melaksanakan kerja sepuluh kali ganda melebihi seorang pejuang kebatilan. Kalau pejuang kebatilan mengambil masa setahun untuk membuat sesuatu kerja, pejuang kebenaran hanya perlu satu bulan sahaja. Kalau pejuang kebatilan memerlukan modal RM100,000, pejuang kebenaran hanya memerlukan RM10,000 sahaja untuk menegakkan projek yang sama.

• Jalannya tetap dan jelas
Perjuangan kebenaran itu tetap dan jelas. Jalan perjuangannya juga tetap dan jelas. Tidak ada pakatan-pakatan. Tidak ada kompromi-kompromi. Tidak ada terima separuh, tolak separuh. Tidak ada ambil separuh, tinggal separuh. Perjuangan adalah tetap di jalan Allah dan di jalan kebenaran. Justeru itu, sejarah perjuangan kebenaran mesti digunakan sebagai panduan kerana ianya sentiasa berulang. Kalau perjuangan kita tidak mengikut sifat-sifat perjuangan kebenaran seperti yang dipaparkan oleh sejarah dan oleh Al Quran itu sendiri, maka tahulah kita bahawa kita sudah banyak tersasar dari perjuangan yang sebenar sama ada pada niatnya, pada perlaksanaannya, pada natijahnya, ataupun kita telah mengabaikan perkara-perkara yang pokok dan asas di dalam agama.

04 May, 2006



Saidina Umar pernah berkata, lebih kurang begini: “Kami orang-orang Arab telah dimuliakan Tuhan dengan sebab Islam.”

Apa yang hendak diperkatakan adalah apa itu erti mulia. Apakah erti mulia menurut pandangan Tuhan. Sebab maksud mulia ini kalau kita rujukan pada manusia macam-macamlah jawaban. Kebanyakannya bersifat dunia. Orang ramai akan mengatakan kemuliaan itu dirujuk pada kuasa, jawatan, ilmu yang tinggi. Apa erti mulia itu sebenarnya mengikut pandangan Tuhan?

Mulia ini, dia ada hubungan dengan status hidup manusia. Status itulah bagaimana manusia hendak gunakan apakah menjadi orang mulia atau menjadi orang hina. Manusia ini tak sama statusnya, kedudukannya. Ada yang jadi raja, berkuasa, berilmu ada yang pandai, kaya, miskin, ternama, susah, senang, dan lain-lain. Tentulah Saidina Umar bila berkata orang arab dimuliakan Tuhan karena Islam, tentu Saidina Umar nampak waktu itu orang Arab ada berbagai status. Yang berbagai status itu Saidina Umar anggap Tuhan muliakan dengan sebab Islam. Islam satu. Status banyak.

Bagaimana Saidina Umar menilai orang Arab? Waktu itukan mereka berbagai-bagai status ada yang jadi pemimpin, pengikut, kaya, miskin, terkenal, tak terkenal. Tapi Saidina Umar sebut : mulia. Mereka yang berbagai satus itu mulia dengan Islam, atau mulia dengan Tuhan.

Bagaimana orang yang berbagai status itu mulia menurut ukuran Tuhan. Pada zaman sekarang ini termasuk di kalangan umat Islam yang sudah rusak, bahkan ulama yang sudah rusak ini, kemuliaan itu diukur berdasarkan status. Kalau dia jadi raja mulialah dia. Kalau dia jadi pemerintah mulialah orang itu. Siapa yang kaya, mulialah orang itu. Siapa yang ilmunya tinggi orang akan anggap mulainya orang itu. Jadi kemuliaan itu orang rujuk pada status sedangkan status itu ukuran dunia. Kalau tinggi dunianya tinggilah dia, kalau rendah dunianya rendahlah dia. Ulama pun kalau ditanya begitulah dia mengukur. Sebab itu di dunia hari ini orang dididik supaya mengejar status yang tinggi. Sebab mereka anggap status dunia yang tinggi itu mulia. Kalau status dunianya rendah maka rendahlah kemuliaannya atau dianggap tidak mulia. Ini satu kesalahan besar. Sebab kalau diukur pada status dunia, yang status dunianya rendah dia dianggap tak mulia, sedangkan di dunia yang status rendah itu yang banyak yang berstatus tinggi itu sedikit saja. Lalu yang banyak mau jadi apa?

Tuhan menilai mulianya seseorang bukan dilihat status dunia tapi sejauh mana dia mengamalkan ajaran Tuhan. Seorang raja atau pemerintah : bukan karena dia jadi raja, pemerintah, pemimpin, tapi mulianya seorang raja, pemerintah, pemimpin mulianya ialah kalau dia boleh tunduk dan patuh kepada Tuhan, boleh kenalkan Tuhan pada orang ramai. Dengan status tinggi dia merendah diri, tawadhuk, adil. Itulah letak kemuliaannya. Kalau status itu disalah guna, dia zalim, sombong, angkuh, megah. Dia ambil kesempatan di atas status itu maka pada pandangan Allah, dia itu hina.

Begitulah orang kaya, kekayaannya itu bukan dengan itu dia jadi mulia tapi mulianya orang kaya adalah pemurah, membantu orang, disamping dia beriman dengan Tuhan, dia pemurah, dia merendah diri, dia tak megah, inilah kemuliaan orang kaya.

Kemuliaan orang berilmu bukan karena ilmunya. Katalah seorang ulama, banyak ilmunya, tapi dia tawadhuk, memimpin umat, mempromosi Tuhan hingga orang ramai sampai takut dan cintakan Tuhan. Inilah kemuliaan ulama. Jadi bukan pada ilmunya.

Seorang yang miskin tentu orang anggap hina. Orang anggap tak mulia. Tapi sebenarnya, orang miskin juga dapat kemuliaan di sisi Tuhan sepertimana ulama, pemimpin, orang kaya, kalau dia beriman pada Tuhan, sabar. Dia miskin tapi tak terasa terhina, tak tipu orang, tak kelentong orang, tak curi barang-barang orang. itu kemulian orang miskin. Miskin bukan masalah, bukan kehinaan. Tak salah jadi orang miskin dengan syarat sabar, tak rasa hina beriman kepada Tuhan.
Bahkan secara tersirat, mungkin dia lebih mulia daripada orang yang statusnya lebih tinggi dari dia. Ada hadis menyebut, kalau seseorg itu bertaqwa kepada Tuhan, berusaha mati-matian mencari rezeki tak kaya-kaya, tak senang-senang, berhadapan dengan kesusahan pahalanya jihad fi sabilillah. Tak mulia ke? Tak pergi perang, tak pergi berjuang, tak dibunuh tak membunuh, sekadar mencari rezeki yang halal itu saja mendapat jihad fi sabilillah. Pahala ini begitu tinggi, begitu mulia disisi Tuhan.

Hujah lain : hadist ada sebut: seorang miskin yang beriman dengan Tuhan oleh karena susahnya kadang-kadang ada makanan yang dia minat, ingin sangat makanan, cicir air liur, tapi mau beli tak ada duit. Di restoren nampak orang makan, dia ingin sangat makan tapi tak dapat, maka kata Allah dalam hadist: orang ini diampunkan dosa-dosanya. Diampunkan dosa-dosa itu mulialah. Kadang-kadang orang yang status dunianya rendah lebih senang dapat kemuliaan di sisi Tuhan dari orang yang statusnya tinggi.

Baru kita faham bahawa kemuliaan itu bukan diukur dari status dunia tapi sejauh mana dia beriman dan mengamalkan ajaran Tuhan.

Tapi di sudut lain, katalah Orang miskin tawadhuk dapat pahala juga tapi tak besar. Sebab dia miskin. Tapi Kalau jadi raja tawadhuk dapat pahala besar, sebab susah hendak tawadhuk. Walaupun Tuhan perintahkan semua orang tawadhuk, tawadhuk raja dan tawadhuk orang miskin tak sama markah, sebab sebagai raja susah untuk tawadhuk. Begitu juga pemurah. Orang miskin pemurah mungkin ada maksud-maksud lain supaya orang tolong dia waktu dia susah. Tapi kalau orang kaya pemurah besar nilainya di sisi Tuhan. Kalau orang miskin bakhil, salah juga tapi tak besar sangat. Kalau orang kaya bakhil, besar sangat salahnya. Itulah diantara keadilan Tuhan.

Macam ulama, kalau dia merendah diri, tawadhuk, memberi nasehat orang, menyampaikan risalah Tuhan, memperkenalkan Tuhan, besar pahalanya, besar kemuliaannya di sisi Tuhan. Tapi kalau selain orang alim pahala juga, tapi tak sebesar orang alim. Dia tengok kedudukan. Kalau orang itu kedudukannya susah untuk buat suatu kebaikan, susah untuk merendah diri, tapi dia buat juga, maka besar nilainya di sisi Tuhan.

Kalau orang biasa boleh merendah diri, pemurah, tawadhuk pahala juga, tapi tak sebesar orang yang dengan statusnya lebih susah untuk buat perkara itu. Raja dengan orang awam mana lebih susah untuk merendah diri? Tentu Raja. Kalau raja boleh merendah diri itu kemuliaan dia. Orang susah, susah nak sabar. Orang senang lebih mudah sabar. Kalau orang susah boleh sabar dengan kesusahan, inilah kemuliaan dia di sisi Tuhan daripada orang kaya atau orang besar-besar sabar.

Kalau orang miskin berlaku adil pahala juga, tapi lebih mudah dari orang besar berlaku adil. Ada hadis, kalau pemerintah itu satu saat boleh berlaku adil, lebih besar pahalanya dari abid ibadah 70 tahun. Sebab orang yang memerintah itu untuk adil susah. Karena kuasa ada di tangan untuk rasuah, tangkap orang, dia boleh buat. Tapi kalau dalam keadaan itu dia boleh berlaku adil, satu saat saja pahalanya lebih dari ibadah abid 70 tahun.

Selepas orang beriman, kemuliaan seseorang itu tak sama, mengikut keadaan. kemuliaan pemimpin tak sama dengan rakyat, kemuliaan orang miskin dengan kemuliaan orang kaya, kemuliaan orang jahil tak sama dengan kemuliaan orang kaya.

Sebab itu Saidina Umar kata kami orang arab dimuliakan Tuhan karena Islam. Artinya semua orang Arab yang berbagai status itu dapat kemuliaan dari Tuhan asal dia beriman & dapat buat kebaikan di kedudukan masing-masing. Jadi kemuliaan itu bukan keraa status di dunia. Ia beriman atau tidak? Kalau beriman bagaimana dia guna status itu, ikut syariat atau tak? Kalau semua guna ikut syariat, semuanya mulia di sisi Tuhan. Inilah keadilan Tuhan.