Minda Mujaddid

26 April, 2006


It's bewildering and difficult to seek the truth, during this final era
Especially for the general public whose basic religious knowledge are just sufficient for the obligatory duties (fardh Ain)
Other than that they are unable to differentiate between the right or the wrong, the truth or the astray
The hypocrite accusing others as hypocrite who are actually not-hypocrite
Those deviated from the truth accusing those in the right path as being astrayed
Non-hypocrites being victimised, non-astrayed being cruely accused
Those creating the bid'ah rituals accusing those observing the As Sunnah as creating bid'ah
All because there are so few practising As Sunnah and they are considered by the majority as creating bid'ah
The followers of As Sunnah being victimised, considered as bid'ah
The good people considered as evil, the evil-doers considered as good
As the good people are too few, they are discriminated
discriminated meaning evil or bad from the perception of the majority
Those with high position,anything they said considered as the truth and correct
The general public, even though saying the truth,
their opinions worth no consideration, even though they are pious
Higher status determining the right or wrong to any problems
Isn't it confusing searching for the truth?
This is the character in this final era, being far away from the Prophet
It's really difficult to search for the truth
similar to the search for the white or red eagle
Please show us, oh Allah, the way to the truth
So that we do not get astrayed on our way to You
Oh Allah, please save us!

Before bedtime