Minda Mujaddid

24 April, 2006



Majority of us do not fully understand the term TAQWA as it has never been taught. The word taqwa is often mentioned but we have not been exposed to the essence or knowledge of taqwa, we have not been shown the ways to achieve taqwa in life. The prerequisite conditions and the pillars of taqwa are never mentioned. Majority have a lackasaidal attitudes to the term taqwa and to some, the term taqwa bears no importance in life due to their lack of understanding.

With lack of understanding, we could not be a person of taqwa even though we are commanded to do so. "Ittaqullah - have taqwa for Allah" has been said but majority do not possess the said attribute. The command for taqwa is mentioned at every sermon during the Friday prayers, meant for the whole congregation and every Muslim. It is a prerequisite for the sermon, otherwise the Friday prayers will be invalid even though the prayer was performed with full concentration(khusyuk).The word taqwa is frequently mentioned,however, most do not understand. It does not turn into knowledge, it is not converted into practice and belief, what more to integrate it into an essence or feelings. As such, how could we turn ourselves into people of taqwa.

Taqwa is not simply performing the commands and abandoning the forbidden. It is not simply accomplishing obedience and avoiding immorality. It is not simply staying away from what is forbidden (haram) and fulfilling the obligatory duties (fardh). It is not simply avoiding the shirik by executing the religious duties and being obedient to Allah. It is not simply keeping away from all those things which could make us neglect Allah. It is not simply limiting to the permissible (halal) and it is not simply performing duties for a mere obedience to Allah.

This has been the analysis and understanding of taqwa brought upon us by majority of the Muslim scholars including the ustazs,the muallims, the Hafaz of the Quran and Hadis, in fact the muftis and kadhis as well. Taqwa has been simplified, to the majority, taqwa is unimportant.To strive for taqwa to achieve security in this world and the Hereafter seems unnecessary.We need to understand that taqwa has a deeper and wider interpretation and it is one of the most important principles of the religion.

Those performing the commands and staying away from the forbidden or those accomplishing obedience, avoiding immorality may not be on the basis of taqwa. Their obedience could be for other motives such as for monetary benefits, for praise from others, for social influences or winning the hearts of people. Their avoidance of the forbidden, possibly for other reasons as well such as earning respect, upholding their name and position in the society, fear of punishment, slander, humiliation or they fear that they will be ostracized.